Client Sheralee was introduced to us by client KIM who is a good friend with client Sheralee . Client KIM told client Sheralee our contact information as he deemed that we are a competent and stable supplier. Due to the instability of the original supplier, client Sheralee faced unprecedented challenges—the supplier suddenly informed that the delivery quantity was inconsistent with the agreed delivery quantity and the packaging was not available a day before the scheduled delivery. Knowing this, client Sheralee could not stand working with such a rude and untrustworthy supplier, so he chose us to do the order. In fact, we also felt troubled as the packaging materials of client Sheralee were quite difficult to make, thus taking us a long time from determining the style and size to completion. Therefore, I had intended to reject in a polite way, but our supervisor told us that she had been working in the wig industry for more than 20 years, so she believes that there is no problem that cannot be solved in the world and every problem we face is a challenge that we can learn from.. Our supervisor directly followed up the order, and the packaging materials were finished on schedule. Afterwards, client Sheralee praised our work efficiency and said that the secret to our long-term stability in this industry lied in here. I felt extremely proud that client Sheralee had spoken highly of us. When I told this to client KIM, he was happy for helping client Sheralee .