When we met client M, he already had a stable supplier, so we didn’t have much contact with him. However, he would give us some small-volume orders from time to time, so we had been keeping few contacts. Since March last year, client M had given us a number of high-volume orders shown in our system, which confused me. I then asked him about the situation, and he replied that there was a fatal problem in the original supplier’s goods: the quality of the bulk products was seriously inconsistent with the sample quality. Even though after many times of communication with the original supplier for improvement, the supplier still declared that there was no problem with the goods. Instead, we never had such a problem in delivered bulk goods, so he decided to give more orders to our company. Hearing this, I felt pleased that finally a client started to find our small company a reliable supplier. Maintaining stable and consistent product quality is what we pursue, and we hope that more and more clients can find our strengths.